That Color of Carpet. 

Anytime I draw near to you, you touch my heart and soul with indelible memories. I'm filled with warmth when I think of you; the beautiful carpet of nature, I know you are a masterpiece from the Great Architect.

The twisting hearts make amends when they see you, you give them hope that when the waves rise, they fall in a strong position and strength. You draw the line of compatibility between the merging hearts.

Your horizon makes me understand the sky isn't a limit, nor a starting point, it is the point of relaxation during vacation. Your kind of love is defined when I feel your breeze. I find it hard to hide my teary joy when I see you ocean to face.

Though you come forth to hug my feet at the shore, you push my foot backward to make me understand the storms of life might come even when I'm friends with frustration, yet I should hold my ground and be true to who I am.

You offer the strength and peace I keep searching for in my pen, yes you are my companion; you carry my happiness when all is still around you and I can cry myself to imaginary sleep at night.

To me a lonely walk along your soft edge when the sky kisses my forehead with a 'goodbye see you again' is worth my ink love, you're my happiness, my inevitable beautiful confider.

I evict all awful thoughts when my skin laces your shore to my soul. I wish to be around you my royalty, my inspiration dear beach, the fairest layer of appreciation, and the elegant ocean of nature



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